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聯盟服務 Alliance services


技術諮詢與專業委託服務 Technical consulting and professional entrustment services
  • 一站式服務平台 One-stop service platform

  • 生物活性測試 Bioactivity testing

  • 成分純化 Ingredient purification

  • 平台建立/優化 Platform establishment/optimization

  • 動物實驗 Animal experiment

產品開發與優化支援 Product development and optimization 
  • 產品製劑開發及優化 Product formulation development and optimization

  • 臨床前評估與導引 Preclinical evaluation and guidance

  • 安全性評估 Safety assessment

  • 有效性評估 Effectiveness assessment

產業資訊與新知交流 Industry information and new knowledge exchange
  • 專屬資訊分享平台 Information sharing platform

  • 技術研討會 Technical seminar

  • 各樣推廣活動 Various promotional activities

  • 廠商交流活動 Manufacturer exchange activities

人才培育與跨域團隊媒合  Talent cultivation and cross-domain team matching

  • 技術培訓課程 Technical training courses

  • ​專業人才培育 Cultivating professional talents

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